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State Directors

Expand your potential as a legislative leader in your state by serving as a Women In Government State Director.
Apply to fill a Women In Government State Director vacancy today and take advantage of these benefits:
  • Visibility across Women In Government’s communications channels
  • Leadership and professional development opportunities
  • Invitations to exclusive learning and community-building activities
  • Recognition during a Women In Government State Capitol visit
  • Leveraging policy expertise on individual issues with legislators in all 50 states
  • Participation in the Women In Government Board of Directors leadership pipeline

Women In Government’s State Directors play an integral role in cultivating a network of women state legislators that amplify the work of female lawmakers nationwide. State Directors inform Women In Government of current, critical policy issues in their states and assist in communicating Women In Government’s programming and opportunities to their legislator colleagues.

Women In Government aims to fill 4 State Director positions in every state, with balance across party and chamber, in keeping with our mission. All State Director applications are approved by Women In Government’s all-legislator Board of Directors. If your party and chamber is already represented by another State Director, we encourage you to nominate a colleague from your state. We also encourage legislators to nominate colleagues in other states and spread the word about this opportunity!

For any questions about the Women In Government State Director program, please contact Communications and Outreach Manager Lindsey Blair at

2025 Women In Government State Directors

Alabama (S)
Rep. Laura Hall (D)
Sen. April Weaver (R)
◼◼ Open Seats (2)

Alaska (W)
Rep. Sara Hannan (D)
Rep. Alyse Galvin (D)
◼◼ Open Seats (2)

Arizona (W)
Rep. Selina Bliss (R)
Sen. Sally Ann Gonzales (D)
◼◼Open Seats (2)

Arkansas (S)
Rep. Denise Garner (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

California (W)
Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil (R)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Colorado (W)
Rep. Naquetta Ricks (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Connecticut (E)
Rep. Kathy Kennedy (R)
◼◼◼Open Seats (3)

Delaware (E)
◼◼◼◼Open Seats (4)

Florida (S)
Sen. Lori Berman (D)
Sen. Colleen Burton (R)
Rep. Marie Woodson (D)
◼ Open Seat (1)

Georgia (S)
Rep. Karen Bennett (D)
Sen. Tonya Anderson (D)
â—¼Open Seat (2)

Hawaii (W)
◼◼◼◼ Open Seats (4)

Idaho (W)
Sen. Tammy Nichols (R)
◼◼◼ Open Seat (3)

Illinois (M)
Rep. Sonya Harper (D)
Sen. Cristina Castro (D)
◼◼ Open Seats (2)

Indiana (M)
Rep. Pat Boy (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Iowa (M)
Rep. Mary Madison (D)
Rep. Megan Srinivas (D)
◼◼ Open Seats (2)

Kansas (M)
Rep. Stephanie Clayton (D)
Sen. Elaine Bowers (R)
Sen. Pat Pettey (D)
â—¼ Open Seat (1)

Kentucky (S)
Rep. Deanna Frazier Gordon (R)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Louisiana (S)
Rep. Aimee Adatto Freeman (D)
Rep. Barbara Freiberg (R)
Sen. Regina Barrow (D)
â—¼ Open Seat (1)

Maine (E)
Rep. Holly Stover (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Maryland (E)
Del. April Miller (R)
Del. Nicole Williams (D)
◼◼ Open Seat (2) 

Massachusetts (E)

Rep. Hannah Kane (R)
Sen. Joan Lovely (D)

Michigan (M)
Sen. Sylvia Santana (D)
Rep. Brenda Carter (D)
◼◼ Open Seat (2)

Minnesota (M)
Rep. Mary Franson (R)
Sen. Sandy Pappas (D)
Sen. Alice Mann (D)
â—¼Open Seats (1)

Mississippi (S)
Rep. Omeria Scott (D)
Sen. Angela Turner Ford (D)
Sen. Robin Robinson (R)
â—¼Open Seats (1)

Missouri (M)
Sen. Barbara Ann Washington (D)
◼◼◼Open Seats (3)

Montana (W)
Sen. Andrea Olsen (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Nebraska (M)
◼◼◼◼ Open Seats (4)

Nevada (W)
Sen. Lisa Krasner (R)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

New Hampshire (E)
Rep. Wendy Thomas (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

New Jersey (E)
Asm. Shavonda Sumter (D)
◼ Open Seats (3)

New Mexico (W)
Rep. Gail Armstrong (R)
Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R)
Rep. Liz Thomson (D)
◼ Open Seats (1)

New York (E)
◼◼◼◼ Open Seats (4)

North Carolina (S)
Rep. Amber Baker (D)
Rep. Laura Budd (D)
Rep. Jennifer Balkcom (R)
◼ Open Seats (1)

North Dakota (M)
Rep. Mary Schneider (D)
◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Ohio (M)
◼◼◼◼ Open Seats (4)

Oklahoma (M)
Rep. Melissa Provenzano (D)
Sen. Carri Hicks (D)
â—¼Open Seats (2)

Oregon (W)
Sen. Janeen Sollman (D)
Rep. Bobby Levy (R)
Rep. Emerson Levy (D)
â—¼ Open Seats (1)

Pennsylvania (E)
Rep. Kate Klunk (R)
◼◼◼Open Seats (3)

Rhode Island (E)
Sen. Meghan Kallman (D)
Rep. Grace Diaz (D)
◼◼Open Seats (2)

South Carolina (S)
Rep. Annie McDaniel (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

South Dakota (M)
Sen. Liz Larson (D)
Rep. Kadyn Wittman (D)
◼◼ Open Seats (2)

Tennessee (S)
Sen. Raumesh Akbari (D)
Sen. Becky Massey (R)
Sen. London Lamar (D)
◼ Open Seats (1)

Texas (W)
◼◼◼◼Open Seats (4)

Utah (W)
◼◼◼◼ Open Seats (4)

Vermont (E)
Rep. Kate McCann (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Virginia (S)
Del. Shelly Simonds (D)

◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Washington (W)
◼◼◼◼ Open Seats (4)

West Virginia (E)
Del. Kathie Hess Crouse (R)
Sen. Laura Wakim Chapman (R)
Del. Anitra Hamilton (D)
â—¼Open Seats (1)

Wisconsin (M)
Rep. Lisa Subeck (D)
◼◼◼ Open Seats (3)

Wyoming (W)
◼◼◼◼ Open Seats (4)

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